
„But Still I Cry“

aus der Galerie von Rozalia Toth
Über dieses Bild:

Captured my daughters heartbroken moment.

Rainy Day
I’ve told you everything
And never did I lie
After all that I told you
I feel like I could die
I gave you my heart
And you ripped it out whole
You used me, abused me, and threw me away
You took and crushed my soul  I trusted you so much  And you only lied  You said you loved me  But now I cry  Tears fall  I crawl  Never to stand again  I’ve loved you  Never hurt you  But still I cry  I told you how I felt  You heard me sigh  And told me not to worry, never to cry  You said you’d never hurt me  But the price I paid was high  I listened, and was happy to have you back  But then you’d say good-bye  I never should have gone back  Never listened to another lie  All you did was lift me up so high  Then let me fall-  Fall ‘till I crashed  Fall ‘till I cried  You used me, abused me, and threw me away  Then slowly took me back, and saved me in your pocket  Just for another rainy day    -Unknown-

Bildnummer: 8d7f1bc
RicardMN Photography gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2011-11-10 16:25:54 UTC
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