
„Dove Cottage. Home of poet William Wordsworth“

aus der Galerie von David Lyons
Über dieses Bild:

Dove Cottage. Home of poet William Wordsworth in village of Grasmere in the Lake District National Park, Cumbria, England. Dove, Cottage, William, Wordsworth, Grasmere, poet, home, house, cottage, poetry, English, literature, writer, England, Lake, District, National, Park, Cumbria, Dorothy, Thomas, deQuincey, landmark, museum, visitor, attraction, tourist, travel, literary, heritage, culture, exterior, country, rural, Britain, British, UK, Ambleside

Bildnummer: b11de57
Ian Lewis gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2018-02-18 21:18:40 UTC
maja-310 gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2018-02-18 19:03:55 UTC
CHRISTINE LAKE gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2018-02-18 13:06:13 UTC
Susanna Badau gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2018-02-18 11:24:41 UTC
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