
„Jacques de Saint Antonin Noble Val“

aus der Galerie von Miki de Goodaboom
Über dieses Bild:

Watercolour and ink painting of Teddy Bear Jacques sitting in a cute suitcase next to 2 beautiful candle holders in the window of a shop in the little town of Saint Antonin Noble Val in the South of France.
Seen and painted during a painting trip to Albi and surroundings in April 2016.

Truffle McFurry tells the story:

Hi everybody!

When you will see the image, you will probably think it's me, Truffle McFurry, sitting in that cute little suitcase. But NO!

When we were in Albi we had a day trip around for my Mom Miki to paint all the beautiful villages around, and in one of them, St-Antonin-Noble-Val, we saw that sad little bear with its price tag in the window of a shop. He looked exactly like me, except that he had got a white tummy.
 When he saw me a big smile came upon his face. And I smiled at him back, and little lights went on in his eyes and he put his leg upon the edge of the box, ready to jump and come with us.    I said Miki that we must take him with us. But Miki said that we cannot rescue all the bears of the world. I said he was not a normal bear, he was family, but Miki kept saying no. And anyway the shop was closed!    And we walked away. It broke my heart! I swear, it was the worst day of my life!    We are back home now, and I am thinking everyday of that little bear in his suitcase. If he cannot have a family, I thought at least I can give him a beautiful name, one of these really long, posh French names:  "Jacques de St-Antonin-Noble-Val".  "Jacques" in honour of my Grand Mother's best friend, who was born there.    I am thinking too that I should perhaps start a fundraiser action, to gather money to go and get him. It is very modern nowadays and it seems to work! But Miki does not want, she says it is like begging, and she does not like that! I am so sad!    xx    Truffle"

Bildnummer: 7eb91a6
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