

aus der Galerie von sasko
Über dieses Bild:

On the picture there is a woman and a man in an artistic dance and a surreal environment with a light green background that is crossed by geometric shapes and waves. The woman stands with one leg on one of these shapes, which extends like a knife tip with a skewed perspective deep into the picture. Her other leg is kept laterally spread over an energy wave from which a geometric shape emerges that forms a folded origami bird and is about to lead the seeking hand of the man with its beak to the woman's hand. You can discover other elements and forms across the picture that surround the couple and escort and support the dance figure of the both. In this context the geometric shapes on the most upper part of the picture do have a particular significance as they form the letters of the picture title that is ,Joys '.
The title contains a unique mission: To do what you enjoy, to follow your destiny and to develop your talents. This mission cannot be fulfilled by conformity, by consumption or by status. It requires self-awareness, knowledge about who you are and wants you to realize your gifts and talents. Above all, it requires courage to take obvious risks with the trust to do the right thing - trust to yourself and trust to your world. Only through this trust the dance on the cutting edge becomes a meditative experience of happiness and ease.

Bildnummer: b340d86
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Schlagwörter: Schade! Eigentlich solltest Du an dieser Stelle verschiedene Tags für die Kunstwerke von sasko finden. Wir hoffen sehr, dass dieser Lückenfüllertext schon bald durch knackige Schlagwörter ausgetauscht wird!
Frank Siegling gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-10-30 20:38:15 UTC
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