
„Mandala Epiphaneia“

aus der Galerie von Peter Awax
Über dieses Bild:

This mandala has very delightful color scheme that can catch the eye of the viewer from first glance. An epiphany or Epiphaneia from the ancient Greek word for describing a feeling of excitement, manifestation or striking appearance experience of sudden realization. Usually used to describe scientific breakthrough, religious or philosophical discoveries. but it can apply to any situation or act that leads to enlightening or see more clearly a problem from a new and deeper perspective.

The design is bedded on an ancient looking background with very bright and vivid colors foreground which embraces the mandala, full of swirls and enigmatic shapes and elements. It has the mix between old and new worlds, eastern and western, a perfect multi cultural blend of decorative art.

The central turquoise shape which looks like a crescent, is the letter 'e' for epiphaniea.

Great inspirational artwork that looks striking on any wall

Bildnummer: c2b046a
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