
„No487 My The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover minimal movie poster“

aus der Galerie von chungkong
Über dieses Bild:

The wife of an oafish restaurant owner becomes bored with her husband and considers an affair with a regular patron.

Director: Peter Greenaway
Stars: Richard Bohringer, Michael Gambon, Helen Mirren

The cruel and sadistic crime boss Albert Spica has dinner every night in his restaurant with his wife Georgina Spica and his gang. Albert abuses of his wife, his gangsters, the chef Richard Borst and the restaurant employees. When Georgina meets the gentle bookseller Michael in the restaurant, they have a torrid affair in the restroom and in the store, and they are covered by Richard. However the prostitute Pat discloses to Albert that he has been betrayed by Georgina and Albert kills Michael. However Georgina plots revenge against Albert with the support of Richard and the victims of Albert.

Bildnummer: 306a4cf
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