
„Sea Shells by the Sea Shore“

aus der Galerie von Sybille Sterk
Über dieses Bild:

© Sybille Sterk
Do not copy or publish this in any way, shape or form without my written permission.

I took this image of the shells yesterday when I took some other still life images for photo manipulations I have planned. I've tried a few times to get the perfect combination of shells and the light falling on them just right and this time it worked (imho) perfectly.

The original image is pretty but it lacks the drama of the edited one. I added water reflections, textures, the splashes, colour adjustments and highlights/shadows to create the drama. (You can see the original on my blog:

All images/textures/brushes my own or bought. Edited with Photoshop.

Bildnummer: cccc815
Claudia Evans gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2017-12-30 22:52:51 UTC
spokeninred gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2017-07-30 04:02:46 UTC
spokeninred gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2017-07-30 04:02:46 UTC
Susann Mielke gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-03-25 09:19:53 UTC
Stephan Gehrlein gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-03-20 17:16:16 UTC
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