
„The Quiraing - Isle of Skye“

aus der Galerie von Víctor Bautista
Über dieses Bild:

The Quiraing is a landslip on the eastern face of Meall na Suiramach, the northernmost summit of the Trotternish on the Isle of Skye, Scotland. The whole of the Trotternish Ridge escarpment was formed by a great series of landslips; the Quiraing is the only part of the slip still moving, the road at its base, near Flodigarry, requires repairs each year.

The spectacular Quiraing gives a classic hill-walk. This circuit heads out above the escarpment and returns along its base.

Bildnummer: 634750f
Annie Snel - van der Klok gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2015-11-20 13:12:58 UTC
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