
„To sail the sky“

aus der Galerie von Jack Moik
Über dieses Bild:

I was always a great fan of Science-Fiction, but I also loved historic stories and settings. Jules Verne managed to bring those worlds together, you can say he is the father of Steampunk.

This is my first contribution to this very special genre. I used some reference photos from my lovely wife. The gown design is made by myself. Have you ever tried to paint striped satin? It's really a challenge, I can tell you!

As usual painted with Photoshop, no cheats, just painting about 30hrs.

Thanks for watching.


© Copyright Jack Moik & Magna Mana FX 2013

Bildnummer: 5ccbc3b
Franziska Rullert gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-01-02 18:00:34 UTC
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