
„Truffles Epiphany“

aus der Galerie von Miki de Goodaboom
Über dieses Bild:

Watercolour painting of Teddy bear Truffle McFurry, Scottish sheep Mary and white monkey coconut travelling on camels as the three Kings for the Epiphany

Truffle McFurry tells the story:

" Hi everybody!

I am back home, after a fabulous Christmas and New Year time at my grand-parents. I hope you all had such a beautiful time as I had, so full of love and fun!

We just had another Christmas party here at home, catching up somehow. And I got fabulous gifts, mostly clothes! I will stand model for Miki with time passing by, and show you what I got, but for now, we will go with one of the most important feasts in Spain: The Three Kings. They are also called "The Three Wise Men", but I don't like this name. Wisdom always sounds so boring!!!

Before we left to Benidorm, Mary (our Beautiful Scottish sheep), Coconut (our snow white monkey who lived in a palm tree) and me had decided to go as the three kings... I, being so brown, going of course as Balthazar! And one of the kings is now a queen, but we must go with modern times and replace everywhere some men with women, as they do in all the films!!!  smile emoticon    And Miki had agreed to paint us on our camels, on our way to the little new born baby Jesus... I think we look pretty cool!    Happy Epiphany everybody!    Love you all    xx    Truffle"  

Bildnummer: 258a63c
Bernhard Kaiser gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2016-01-11 19:09:15 UTC
loewenherz-artwork gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2016-01-11 17:44:08 UTC
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